Watch our latest financial update.

We love being transparent about our finances.
Here's a summary of the numbers from the financial year to March 2024, alongside a whole load of stories of the difference the money is making across our city.

Why do we give our money?

Christians don't give to get blessed by God.
 Christians give because we have already been blessed by God.

Our giving is part of our thankful response to the goodness of Jesus. It's not to be done under compulsion, but with a gladness of heart.

 It's also so wonderful to see what God does with the money we give. There's no greater joy than giving and seeing people find hope, freedom and joy as a result.

Without imposing a specific percentage we want to invite you to join us in the true joy of generosity, thus becoming imitators of the giving God.

Ways to give.

Standing Order / Bank Transfer

Give regularly via standing order, or as a one-off via bank transfer.

Our bank details are:
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00020965.

Give in person

At some of our church gatherings, there's a moment when you can physically give into the baskets. You can give by cash, cheque or ask our h ost team for a form to give by card.

This is then processed confidentially by two members of our offering team.

Ever shop online?

Easyfundraising enables Churchcentral to get donations at no cost to you, when you online shop.
It's quick and easy to sign up!
Simple sign up, select Churchcentral Trust as your chosen charity, and then go through easyfundraising website when you shop.
Sign up now!
You can then use the donation reminder on your browser and/or download an app for your phone. This is very easy and makes it simple to maximise fundraising.
All details are on Easyfundraising website, or ask us if you'd like help.

There's no rule on how to give, but...

...we would encourage all members of Churchcentral to give by standing order wherever possible. This simply helps us have a clearer idea of the amount of money coming in, which in turn helps us plan more responsibly for the future.

Likewise, if you are a UK tax-payer, we would encourage you to fill in a Gift Aid Form, which enables us to claim the tax back on your giving.

Gift Aid Declaration

Take one minute to enable us to claim back 25p on every £1 you give.

Churchcentral is both a registered charity (Registered charity: 1118562) and a limited company. If you would like to find out where our money has been spent, please visit the Charity Commission website.