Our Team

Staff team

Jonathan Bell

Churchcentral South Team Leader
Jonathan and his wife Helen planted the church in 1996. Jonathan leads the team at Churchcentral South. Helen works as the elderly support worker with Karis Neighbour Scheme and they have two sons.

Chris Yeo

Churchcentral North Team Leader
Chris is on staff full time leading the team at Churchcentral North. He also heads up Safeguarding across the family of churches. His wife Zoe is a GP in the city and together they have two children.

Tim Brown

Hope Community Church Team Leader
Tim leads the team at Hope Community Church works on the operations of the churches. Liz is an ESOL teacher, running classes at Central House, alongside working as a family support worker with Karis Neighbour Scheme.

Kate Watkins

Operations Manager
Kate joined the staff team to lead on all things financial, before taking on wider responsibility for all our operations. Kate's part of the Core Team at Churchcentral South. She's married to Rob and they have two children.

Nadeem Naveed

Cross-Cultural Worker
Nadeem is on staff helping us engage well with people from other cultures in the city. He is part of the team at Hope Community Church. Nadeem is married to Rozina and they have four wonderful daughters.

Jonny Mellor

Sputnik Team Leader / Staff Team Leader
Jonny co-founded Sputnik, our growing arts collective. He's part of the Central Team, leads the Staff Team, as well as being a leader at Churchcentral South. He is married to Jemma and they have three kids.

Emma Parkin

Office Administrator
Emma works part-time in the office enabling much of the day-to-day administration across Churchcentral. Emma's part of Churchcentral South, having joined as a student.

Rich Pitt

Communications & Preaching
Rich heads up  communications and oversees our brilliant Youth Leaders. His wife Ruth is a paediatrician, and they have two daughters. The Pitts are part of Churchcentral South, where Rich is part of the eldership.

Felicite Boro Gorou

Food Pantry Stock Manager
Felicite is on staff helping to manage our Food Pantry that runs from Central House. She is from Burkina Faso, moved from Italy to the UK and married to Jean with our three lovely children.

Alyson McMillan

Income Maximisations Project Worker
Alyson is working with a partnership of churches across the city specifically to help people to maximise their income and to manage their finances. Alyson is married to Michael and they have three sons.

Associate staff

Blake Sherman

Blake partners with Churchcentral South through Greater Europe Mission. Blake is married to Cara, and they have three children.

Church teams.